How to integrate with Amazon in Lista


2 min read

How to integrate with Amazon in Lista

Are you ready to integrate your products on Lista with your products on Seller Central? It's easier than you might think!

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the Amazon Integration feature:

  1. Check your product SKU: Before you start integrating your products, make sure that the product SKU you've assigned in Lista matches the product's SKU in Seller Central.

  2. Head to the Amazon Integration tab: You can find this tab on the product overview page.

  3. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account: If this is your first time integrating this product, you'll be prompted to log in to your Amazon Seller Central account.

  4. Authorize access: Once you've logged in, you'll be asked if you want to authorize access for Check the box and confirm.

  5. Assign images: You'll now see eight image fields. The first one is labeled "Main Image" and the rest are "Listing Images 1-7." Click on each field to choose from your already designed images and assign them to their respective positions.

  6. Integrate: Once you've made your selections and arranged your images into their positions, click on the "Integrate" button. Lista will create a request for Seller Central to update the images in the listing that matches the SKU of your Lista product with the corresponding images you've assigned in these positions.

  7. Check for errors: If your product SKU doesn't match a product SKU in Seller Central, you'll receive an error notification saying "Product SKU not found." In this case, update your product SKU in Lista to match your product SKU in Seller Central before clicking the "Integrate" button again.

  8. Be patient: Seller Central may take some time to process your request, so be patient if your images don't update immediately.

That's it!

Integrating your Lista and Seller Central products is easy with the Amazon Integration feature.

You can also check our video tutorial here:

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our support team or post your questions in our Lista Discord Community!

Happy selling!